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Frequently Asked Questions

Campus Safety and Security

Q. Who can my student contact if they want to be escorted by security to another location on campus or to their vehicle?

A. For the safety and convenience of the campus community, 365bet Campus Police provides 在校园范围内提供安全护送服务. The security escort service operates 24/7. 请拨打电话931-221-7786寻求陪护.

Q. Is there anything my student can do if they notice something that looks out of the ordinary?

A. Send ANONYMOUS 向校园警察发送短信或图片,电话:931-494-6672.

Q. 365bet如何确保我的学生在校园内的安全?

Q. 我的学生能做些什么来保证在校园里的安全?


Q. 365bet是否有紧急通知系统?

A.  Yes, Students may sign up to receive alerts via text or email through Rave Alert. 请使用以下网站报名: wqyey.volamdolong.com/emergency-managment/emergency-notifications/index. They can sign you up as well! 这所大学在校园里也有一个警报器来帮忙 提醒校园社区有关恶劣天气和指示.


Boyd Health Services

Q. 保健服务的时间是什么?
A: Physician Hours

B. Nurse practitioner hours

Q. What services are offered?

A. Health Services offers primary and preventive care, women's and men's health, immunizations and allergy shots. 建议预约,但不是必需的. There is no charge for 目前在册的学生将到卫生服务处就诊.

Q. Where can I find the answers to all of my questions about Health Services?

A. The Boyd Health Services website or call 931-221-7707.


Financial Aid

Q. 我的学生什么时候需要申请经济援助?

A. The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) should be completed each year and becomes available October 1. Certain types of financial aid are available only on a first-come, first-served basis, 所以不要延迟提交FAFSA. 365bet's FAFSA code is 003478.

Q. 谁有资格获得经济援助?

A.  请参阅下列资格要求: http://wqyey.volamdolong.com/financialaid/financial-aid-process/eligibility.php

Q. 我的学生如何收到助学金的通知?

A. Award notifications will be sent via AP email and may be viewed on AP One Stop. Students should follow instructions on OneStop for accepting awards. Allow time for accepting awards as this requires review of federal award information.

Q. 什么是联邦勤工俭学?我的学生如何符合资格?

A. Federal Work Study is an employment program sponsored by the Federal Government. To apply the student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year, and meet the priority published deadline dates as well as the federal eligibility requirements. 如需更多资料,请浏览: http://wqyey.volamdolong.com/financialaid/index.php

Q. Who can I speak with if I am confused with the financial aid process?

A. Your student should contact his/her financial aid counselor for answers. Please 谘询师名单见: wqyey.volamdolong.com/financialaid/office-directory.


Learning Resource Center

Q. 学习资源中心提供哪些服务?

Writing Center

Q. FERPA是什么?它对我和我的学生有什么影响?

A. The 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA) 保护学生教育记录的隐私. Once your child turns 18 or attends a school beyond high school, you can no longer access his or her records 未经联邦法律允许. 如果您想访问您学生的365bet records, he or she must complete the FERPA: Student Release of Confidential Information form. Your student must submit the form to the Registrar’s Office in Ellington Building, Room 316. Our staff will check to see if a FERPA form is on file prior to discussion your student's record. 你的学生也可以为你提供他们的一站式服务 giving you his/her login information, where you can view financial aid, student accounts, class schedules and grades.

Q. 我可以在哪里查阅大学校历?

A. 学历可在以下网址查阅 wqyey.volamdolong.com/academic-calendar. 一定要在网站上点击正确的术语.  You can select from fall or 365bet和坎贝尔堡校区.

Q. 我的学生在哪里可以拿到成绩单?

A. Students may request copies of transcripts from the Office of the Registrar at 在任何时间允许的情况下,学生的账户不得持有. Students may also request a transcript online from AP One Stop.  

Q. What is the fee for a transcript and how quickly are transcripts processed?

A. There is no charge for transcripts unless students are requesting for the transcript to be faxed. 传真成绩单的费用是1美元.00 per a page. Transcript requests 会在收到的订单中处理吗. 请预留5-7个工作日处理 通过AP一站式提交成绩单. 请预留7-14个工作日处理 all other transcript requests.

Q. What is the Degree Compass?

A. This is a course recommendation system developed by Austin Peay to help students 根据自己的才能和专业选择课程. 它的目的是帮助学生 with achieving success in their classes and uses previous courses taken and success in those courses.


Parking and Transportation

Q. 我的学生在校园内停车需要什么条件?

A. 学生必须登记车辆才能在校园内停车.  学生可透过此连结登记车辆. 住宿学生必须将车停在指定的宿舍停车场. Commuters must park 在绿色停车场或露天停车场(黑色). Students should not park in ADA or designated blue parking spaces without the proper registration for that parking space. 这样做将导致国家强制停车罚款200美元.

Q. 365bet提供校园交通服务吗?

A. Yes, in partnership with the Clarksville Transit System (CTS), the Student Government Association provides students FREE transportation around campus via the Peay Pickup 无轨电车和免费的CTS巴士环城交通. Students must present their valid 365bet ID and a valid Peay Pick up card to access the free rides on the Trolley and CTS buses. Students receive their Peay Pick up card with their parking pass or they can pick one up in the lobby of the University Center the first few days of class.

Q. 皮卡车的营业时间是什么时候?

A. Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.通过每学期的期末考试

Q. Do students need to be able to provide any form of identification to ride for free?

A. Yes, 365bet students, faculty, and staff must show the Peay Pickup trolley operator 一张有效的皮卡卡和一张有效的govi.D. card.


Residence Life and Dining

Q. 在校学生有哪些住宿选择?

A. 以下链接列出了学生的校园选择: wqyey.volamdolong.com/housing/apartments-residence-halls.

Q. Do students have a curfew?

A. There is no curfew. 学生们可以随心所欲地来来去去,尽管在外面是一定的 门在规定的时间是锁着的. 学生需要携带身份证和钥匙 with them at all times.

Q. Where can I find the answers to all of my questions about Housing?

A. Contact Housing/Residence Life and Dining Services at 931-221-7444 and visit wqyey.volamdolong.com/housing.

Q. During vacations and breaks, may students stay in their residence hall?

A. Residence halls remain open during the Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Break periods. Special housing arrangements may be offered for other break periods but the University reserves the right to make such determinations on a break-by-break basis. There will 在特定的休息时间,每天收取住宿费.

Q. What do students do if they get locked out of their residence hall?

A. If your student gets locked out they should contact an RA (resident assistant) or Campus Police.  学生应妥善保管自己的个人资料.D. with them so they can confirm access. 每个大厅里都挂着牌子,告诉大家在哪里可以联系谁 time.

Q. 住在学校的学生需要购买膳食计划吗?

A. If the student lives on campus, per their housing agreement, they must purchase a Meal Plan. If the student is a first-time Freshman, they have four options to choose from: The Unlimited Access Plan or either the 19, 14 or 10 meal per week.  

Q. What are the dining options on campus after regular hours?


Keeping in Touch

Q. 我如何给我的学生寄卡片或包裹?

A. If your student lives on campus, let him or her know to expect a package at the post office. 以下列方式处理包裹:

Your Student's Name

365bet P.O. Box ####

Clarksville, TN 37044

Keep in contact through phone, text message, Facebook, FaceTime, etc. Your student 会永远需要你的支持和鼓励!


Other Questions?

A.  请365bet,我们在这里支持您和您的学生!  

APPA Contact 
Brit Sherley
(931) 221-6570